310 Hope Orchards Drive Lavon, TX 75166
George Theologis214-764-0119 Brandon McGruder214-778-3824 |
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Address | Plan | Lot Size | Story | sq/ft | BD/BA/G | Included Upgrades |
Price | Available |
268 Ivory Brook Cove Dr. 268 Ivory Brook Cove Dr. | San Marcos San Marcos | 50' 50 ft | 2 2 | 2932 2932 | 4/3.5/2 4/3.5/2 | A value of $42,582 A value of $42,582 Indoor FireplaceGourmet KitchenFormal DiningAdditional Full BathroomExtended PatioOpen RailingStudy Indoor FireplaceGourmet KitchenFormal DiningAdditional Full BathroomExtended PatioOpen RailingStudy |
$488,572 $488,000
$488,572$488,000 |
February February |
279 Bright Alcove Ct. 279 Bright Alcove Ct. | Lamar Lamar | 40' 40 ft | 2 2 | 2196 2196 | 4/2.5/2 4/2.5/2 | A value of $30,803 A value of $30,803 Indoor FireplaceBrasserie KitchenExtended PatioOpen Railing Indoor FireplaceBrasserie KitchenExtended PatioOpen Railing |
March March |
1115 Harvest Heights Dr. 1115 Harvest Heights Dr. | Walton Walton | 40' 40 ft | 2 2 | 2563 2563 | 4/3.5/2 4/3.5/2 | A value of $30,705 A value of $30,705 Additional Full BathroomExtended PatioPrimary Closet Door To UtilityOpen Railing Additional Full BathroomExtended PatioPrimary Closet Door To UtilityOpen Railing |
February February |
231 Ivory Brook Cove Dr. 231 Ivory Brook Cove Dr. | San Jacinto San Jacinto | 50' 50 ft | 1 1 | 1861 1861 | 4/2/2 4/2/2 | A value of $30,275 A value of $30,275 Indoor FireplaceGourmet KitchenExtended Patio Indoor FireplaceGourmet KitchenExtended Patio |
Available Now Available Now |
260 Bright Alcove Ct. 260 Bright Alcove Ct. | Lamar Lamar | 40' 40 ft | 2 2 | 2187 2187 | 4/2.5/2 4/2.5/2 | A value of $24,670 A value of $24,670 Indoor FireplaceOutdoor KitchenTile FlooringOpen Railing Indoor FireplaceOutdoor KitchenTile FlooringOpen Railing |
Available Now Available Now |
904 Lost Holly Lane 904 Lost Holly Lane | Tucker Tucker | 40' 40 ft | 2 2 | 2543 2543 | 4/2.5/2 4/2.5/2 | A value of $25,208 A value of $25,208 Brasserie KitchenBuilt In Mud BenchExtended PatioStudy Brasserie KitchenBuilt In Mud BenchExtended PatioStudy |
$437,198 $424,000
$437,198$424,000 |
Available Now Available Now |
227 Ivory Brook Cove Dr. 227 Ivory Brook Cove Dr. | Brazos Brazos | 50' 50 ft | 1 1 | 2052 2052 | 4/2/2 4/2/2 | A value of $28,290 A value of $28,290 Indoor FireplaceBrasserie KitchenTray Ceiling EntrywayAdditional BedroomExtended PatioPrimary Closet Door To Utility Indoor FireplaceBrasserie KitchenTray Ceiling EntrywayAdditional BedroomExtended PatioPrimary Closet Door To Utility |
$425,280 $413,000
$425,280$413,000 |
Available Now Available Now |
216 Hope Orchards Drive 216 Hope Orchards Drive | San Jacinto San Jacinto | 50' 50 ft | 1 1 | 1861 1861 | 4/2/2 4/2/2 | A value of $28,455 A value of $28,455 Indoor FireplaceGourmet KitchenExtended Patio Indoor FireplaceGourmet KitchenExtended Patio |
$417,460 $408,000
$417,460$408,000 |
Available Now Available Now |
1000 Pebble Wend Drive 1000 Pebble Wend Drive | Tucker Tucker | 40' 40 ft | 2 2 | 2543 2543 | 4/3.5/2 4/3.5/2 | A value of $32,650 A value of $32,650 Soaker TubTray Ceiling EntrywayAdditional Full BathroomExtended PatioOpen Railing Soaker TubTray Ceiling EntrywayAdditional Full BathroomExtended PatioOpen Railing |
$451,640 $433,000
$451,640$433,000 |
Available Now Available Now |
275 Bright Alcove Court 275 Bright Alcove Court | Chisholm Chisholm | 40' 40 ft | 1 1 | 1709 1709 | 4/2/2 4/2/2 | A value of $26,420 A value of $26,420 Brasserie KitchenOwner Suite Tray CeilingExtended PatioPainted CabinetsAdditional Windows Brasserie KitchenOwner Suite Tray CeilingExtended PatioPainted CabinetsAdditional Windows |
$386,410 $352,000
$386,410$352,000 |
Available Now Available Now |
1004 Pebble Wend Dr. 1004 Pebble Wend Dr. | Burnet Burnet | 40' 40 ft | 1 1 | 1511 1511 | 3/2/2 3/2/2 | A value of $24,355 A value of $24,355 Brasserie KitchenExtended Patio Brasserie KitchenExtended Patio |
Available Now Available Now |
223 Ivory Brook Cove Dr. 223 Ivory Brook Cove Dr. | San Marcos San Marcos | 50' 50 ft | 2 2 | 2932 2932 | 5/3/2 5/3/2 | A value of $48,695 A value of $48,695 Brasserie KitchenFormal DiningBuilt In Mud BenchAdditional BedroomAdditional Full BathroomExtended PatioPrimary Closet Door To UtilityOpen RailingStudy Brasserie KitchenFormal DiningBuilt In Mud BenchAdditional BedroomAdditional Full BathroomExtended PatioPrimary Closet Door To UtilityOpen RailingStudy |
$518,685 $495,000
$518,685$495,000 |
Available Now Available Now |
910 Sleepy Landing Dr. 910 Sleepy Landing Dr. | San Marcos San Marcos | 50' 50 ft | 2 2 | 2932 2932 | 4/3.5/2 4/3.5/2 | A value of $46,872 A value of $46,872 Indoor FireplaceGourmet KitchenFormal DiningBuilt In Mud BenchAdditional Full BathroomPrimary Closet Door To UtilityOpen RailingStudy Indoor FireplaceGourmet KitchenFormal DiningBuilt In Mud BenchAdditional Full BathroomPrimary Closet Door To UtilityOpen RailingStudy |
$521,612 $494,000
$521,612$494,000 |
Available Now Available Now |
262 Little Bridge Dr. 262 Little Bridge Dr. | Walton Walton | 40' 40 ft | 2 2 | 2563 2563 | 4/2.5/2 4/2.5/2 | A value of $39,885 A value of $39,885 Indoor FireplaceExtended PatioPrimary Closet Door To UtilityOpen Railing Indoor FireplaceExtended PatioPrimary Closet Door To UtilityOpen Railing |
SOLD $450,000 $443,000
$450,000$443,000 |
Sold Sold |
175 Ivory Brook Cove Dr. 175 Ivory Brook Cove Dr. | Trinity Trinity | 50' 50 ft | 2 2 | 3276 3276 | 4/3.5/2 4/3.5/2 | A value of $50,050 A value of $50,050 Indoor FireplaceGourmet KitchenAdditional Full BathroomExtended PatioOpen Railing Indoor FireplaceGourmet KitchenAdditional Full BathroomExtended PatioOpen Railing |
SOLD $541,040 $509,000
$541,040$509,000 |
Sold Sold |
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Katie Martin
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